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Ronald Weidner

Fitness Coach

Hi and welcome to HPLL Fitness. I’m the person who’s behind HPLL Fitness. I created the business and brand to help you train at your convenience and train at your best anywhere and anytime. I use a variety of different methods to do that. As for myself, I’m still an athlete that competes and trains. I’ve always been a fitness enthusiast and training to be the best version of myself. The sports I’ve done is basketball, track and field, and Olympic weightlifting. I’m retired from the sport of weightlifting now but I have trained with a weightlifting legend named Tommy Kono when I was competing and trained to be an Olympic athlete in that sport for a time. Currently, I’m training to do track and field again and do a lot of cross training, incorporating long distanced cycling for sustained heart rate training.

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Ronald Weidner